Dimension Reduction – IsoMap
Dimension Reduction – IsoMap Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites for Dimension Reduction3 Why Geodesic Distances Are Better for Dimension Reduction4 Dimension Reduction: Steps of the IsoMap Algorithm5 Landmark Isomap6 Drawbacks of Isomap7…
What Every ML/AI Developer Should Know About ONNX
What Every ML/AI Developer Should Know About ONNX Content1 Introduction2 ONNX Overview3 Prerequisites for ML/AI Developer4 ONNX in Practice for ML/AI Developer5 Conclusion for What Every ML/AI Developer Should Know…
How To Create Django Models
How To Create Django Models Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites to Create Django Models3 Step 1 — Create Django Application4 Step 2 — Add the Posts Model5 Step 3 — Update Settings6…
How to Create a CLI with Python Fire on Ubuntu 22.04
How to Create a CLI with Python Fire on Ubuntu 22.04 Content1 Introduction to Create a CLI2 Prerequisites to Create a CLI3 Step 1 — Installing Python Fire4 Step 2…
How To Convert a String to a Float in Python
How To Convert a String to a Float in Python Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites to Convert a String3 Using the float() function4 Using the str() function5 Conclusion for Convert a String…
How To Convert a NumPy Array to List in Python
How To Convert a NumPy Array to List in Python Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites to Convert a NumPy Array3 Converting one-dimensional NumPy Array to List4 Converting multi-dimensional NumPy Array to List5…
Concatenate String and Int in Python
How To Concatenate String and Int in Python Content1 Introduction2 Example for Concatenate String and Int3 Prerequisites for Concatenate String and Int4 Using the str() Function5 Using the % Interpolation…
How to Compare Two Lists in Python
How to Compare Two Lists in Python Content1 Introduction2 Using the sort() Method or the sorted() Function to Compare Two Lists in Python3 Using the reduce() and map() Functions to…
How to Get File Size in Python: Step-by-Step Guide
File Size in Python The os module in Python provides an efficient way to obtain file size. By using the stat() function, we can retrieve various file-related information. One of…