Building Cloud Competence with centron – our Python Tutorials

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Tutorials – Python

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K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) in Python – Tutorial

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) in Python – Tutorial K-nearest neighbors (kNN) is a supervised machine learning technique that may be used to handle both classification and regression tasks. I regard KNN…
centron Managed Cloud Hosting in Deutschland

Kotlin Sealed Class – Tutorial

Kotlin Sealed Class – Tutorial In this tutorial, we’ll be looking into Kotlin Sealed Class. What are they? What’s their use? We’ll be addressing all of these things below. Content1…
centron Managed Cloud Hosting in Deutschland

NumPy Matrix Multiplication

NumPy Matrix Multiplication NumPy matrix multiplication can be done by the following three methods. multiply(): element-wise matrix multiplication. matmul(): matrix product of two arrays. dot(): dot product of two arrays.…
centron Managed Cloud Hosting in Deutschland

NumPy sqrt() in Python – Tutorial

NumPy sqrt() in Python – Tutorial Python NumPy module is used to work with multidimensional arrays and matrix manipulations. We can use NumPy sqrt() function to get the square root…

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