Nginx Rewrite URL Rules Examples
Nginx Rewrite URL Rules Examples NGINX rewrite rules are used to modify all or part of a URL requested by a client. The primary purpose of changing a URL is…
Kotlin Visibility Modifiers – Tutorial
Kotlin Visibility Modifiers – Tutorial In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing the various Visibility Modifiers available in Kotlin programming. Kotlin Visibility Modifiers Visibility Modifiers are modifiers that when appended to…
Nginx location directive examples
NGINX Location Directive Explained The location directive within NGINX server block allows to route request to correct location within the file system. The directive is used to tell NGINX where…
Spring @Service Annotation – A Comprehensive Guide
Spring @Service Annotation Spring @Service annotation is a specialization of @Component annotation. Spring Service annotation can be applied only to classes. It is used to mark the class as a…
Spring Annotations: A Comprehensive Guide
Spring Annotations Spring Annotations allows us to configure dependencies and implement dependency injection through java programs. Content1 Spring Annotations Overview2 Spring Annotations List3 Spring MVC Annotations4 Spring Transaction Management Annotations5…
Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints Guide
Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints lets us monitor and interact with our application. Spring Actuator is a Spring Boot sub-module and provides built-in endpoints that we can…
Spring Boot CLI Guide
What is Spring Boot CLI? Spring Boot CLI (Command Line Interface) is a Spring Boot software to run and test Spring Boot applications from command prompt. When we run Spring…
Spring Boot Interview Questions
Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers Today we will look into some spring boot interview questions and answers. So far, we have discussed some posts about Spring Boot Framework with…
Send Email in Linux from Command Line
Send Email in Linux from Command Line Content1 Introduction2 1. Using mail Command3 2. Using the mailx command4 3. Using the MUTT Command5 4. Using mpack Command6 5. Using sendmail7…