How To Use Indexes in MySQL
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites3 Connecting to MySQL and Setting up a Sample Database4 Introduction to Indexes5 Using Single-Column Indexes in MySQL6 Using Unique Indexes in MySQL to Prevent Data Duplication7 Using…
How To Use Views in SQL
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites for Using Views in SQL3 Connecting to MySQL and Setting up a Sample Database4 Understanding and Creating Views in SQL5 Changing and Deleting Views in SQL6 Conclusion…
How To Use Nested Queries in SQL
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites for Nested Queries in SQL3 Connecting to MySQL and Setting up a Sample Database4 Using Nested Queries in SQL with SELECT5 Using Nested Queries in SQL with…
How To Use Primary Keys in SQL
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites for Understanding Primary Keys in SQL3 Connecting to MySQL and Setting up a Sample Database4 Introduction to Primary Keys in SQL5 Creating a Primary Key on a…
Efficiently Managing Constants with Java Enums
Content1 Java Enum2 Java Enum Example3 Java Enum vs Constants4 Java Enum Methods5 Java Enum Important Points6 Java EnumSet, EnumMap, valueOf() 7 Nov at 13:56 Efficiently Managing Constants with Java…
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Python: An In-Depth Guide Using Essential Functions
Content1 Step 1: Loading and Inspecting the Dataset2 Step 2: Basic Dataset Information3 Step 3: Identifying Duplicate Entries4 Step 4: Exploring Unique Values5 Step 5: Visualizing Counts of Unique Values6…
Optimizing Eclipse with eclipse.ini VM Arguments
Content1 Locating the eclipse.ini File2 Important Notes on eclipse.ini Configuration3 Setting the JVM with eclipse.ini VM Arguments4 Managing Permgen Space5 Configuring Heap Space 7 Nov at 11:38 Optimizing Eclipse with…
Optimizing Kubernetes Resource Utilization: Focus on Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Metrics Server
Content1 Step 1: Setting up the Metrics Server with Helm2 Step 2: Configuring the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)3 Step 3: Automatically Scaling Applications with the Metrics Server4 Conclusion 6 Nov…
TrilioVault: Effective Backup & Restoration of a Kubernetes Cluster
Content1 Step 1 – Configuring the Kubernetes Cluster2 Step 2 – Installing TrilioVault for Kubernetes3 Step 3 – Accessing the TVK Management Console4 Step 4 – Creating a TrilioVault Target…