JavaScript Module Design Pattern: Structuring Your Code
9. November 2023 The Module Design Pattern in JavaScript: Explained with Examples The module design pattern in JavaScript allows you to divide your code into independent parts, promoting well-structured code.…
JavaScript: The Observer Design Pattern
Content1 The Observer Design Pattern in Software Development2 Publish/Subscribe as an Alternative 9. November 2023 Understanding the Observer Design Pattern in JavaScript Dependent components can be informed about changes in…
Understanding the Prototype Design Pattern in JavaScript
Content1 Using the Prototype Pattern2 The Revealing Prototype Pattern 9. November 2023 Understanding the Prototype Design Pattern in JavaScript The “Prototype Design Pattern” in JavaScript allows for creating clones of objects…
MongoDB Security Best Practices for Network Access Control
Content1 Starting with Network Access Restriction2 Enhancing Security with a Firewall3 Limiting Exposure with IP Binding 9. November 2023 MongoDB Security Best Practices for Network Access Control To ensure the security of data…
The Singleton Design Pattern in JavaScript
Content1 The Singleton Design Pattern2 How does the Singleton Pattern work?3 Using Singletons in JavaScript4 Beware of Race Conditions5 In summary 9. November 2023 Understanding the Singleton Design Pattern in…
SOLID Principles in OOP: Mastering Object-Oriented Design
Content1 SOLID is an acronym for the first five principles of object-oriented design (OOD) by Robert C. Martin (also known as Uncle Bob):2 Single-Responsibility Principle3 Open-Closed Principle4 Understanding the AreaCalculator…
Distinction between Free Software and Open Source Software
Content1 Understanding the Nuances2 Historical Background3 Practical Implications4 Terminology and Public Perception5 Conclusion 8. November 2023 Distinction between Free Software and Open Source Software The terms “Free Software” and “Open…
Introduction: Rendering Arrays in React
Content1 Rendering Multiple Elements2 Rendering Adjacent Elements 8. November 2023 Mastering Arrays Rendering in React: A Comprehensive Guide React offers diverse ways to render arrays and elements within your components. In this article,…
Understanding MongoDB: Advantages of a Document-Oriented NoSQL Database
Content1 Traditionally, Database Management Systems2 MongoDB Overview3 Conclusion 6. November 2023 Understanding MongoDB: Advantages of a Document-Oriented NoSQL Database What makes the document-oriented NoSQL database MongoDB so special? In our…