How To Import and Export Databases in MySQL or MariaDB
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites to Import and Export Databases3 Step 1 — Exporting a MySQL or MariaDB Database4 Step 2 — Importing a MySQL or MariaDB Database5 Conclusion for Import and…
How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes
Content1 Introduction2 How to Use This Guide3 Purging All Unused or Dangling Images, Containers, Volumes, and Networks4 Removing Docker Images5 Removing Containers6 Removing Volumes7 Conclusion to Remove Docker Images 8…
Working with Docker Containers
Content1 Introduction2 Overview of Working with Docker Containers3 How to: Working with Docker Containers4 Conclusion for Working with Docker Containers 8 Jan at 8:55 Working with Docker Containers Introduction Docker…
How To Add Images in Markdown
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites for Images in Markdown3 Adding Images in Markdown4 Linked Images5 Conclusion for Images in Markdown 7 Jan at 11:30 How To Add Images in Markdown Introduction You…
UFW Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands
Content1 Introductio for UFW Essentials2 How To Use This Guide for UFW Essentials3 Verify UFW Status4 Enable UFW5 Disable UFW6 UFW Essentials: Block an IP Address7 Allow an IP Address8…
How To Use SSH to Connect to a Remote Server
Content1 Introduction to Use SSH2 Core Syntax3 How Does SSH Work?4 How To Configure SSH5 How To Log Into SSH with Keys6 Client-Side Options7 Disabling Password Authentication to Use SSH8…
How To Configure Apache Web Server on an Ubuntu or Debian VPS
Content1 Introduction2 Prerequisites to Configure Apache Web Server3 5 Steps to Configure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu4 Conclusion to Configure Apache Web Server 7 Jan at 9:37 How To Configure…
How To Create a New User and Grant Permissions in MySQL
Content1 Introduction to To Create a New User and Grant Permissions in MySQL2 Prerequisites To Create a New User and Grant Permissions in MySQL3 Creating a New User4 Granting a…
How To Execute a Command with a Shell Script in Linux
Content1 Introduction to Execute a Command2 Prerequisites to Execute a Command3 Getting Started4 Creating and Running a Basic Shell Script5 Using Variables in Shell Scripts6 Reading Input from the Command…