Maximizing User-Friendliness: Understanding Android ProgressDialog
Vijona7 Feb at 8:43 Maximizing User-Friendliness: Understanding Android ProgressDialog Dive into the realm of Android development and learn how to effectively display progress using the ProgressDialog. Our blog post explains…
Progress Bars in Android: An Overview
Content1 What is an Android ProgressBar?2 Attributes of the Android ProgressBar3 Sample Project Structure of the Android ProgressBar4 Source Code of the Android ProgressBar5 Conclusion Vijona7 Feb at 8:42 Progress…
How Your Android Fragments Communicate: A Guide
Content1 Project Structure2 XML Layout for MainActivity3 ViewPagerAdapter for Initializing Fragments4 Conclusion Vijona7 Feb at 8:42 How Your Android Fragments Communicate: A Guide In Android applications, there are various ways…
Chips and ChipGroups: The New Heroes of Android User Interface
Content1 Android Chips2 Android ChipGroup3 Conclusion Vijona7 Feb at 8:42 Chips and ChipGroups: The New Heroes of Android User Interface Discover the exciting possibilities of integrating Chips and ChipGroups into…
The Art of Notifications: How to Utilize PendingIntent in Android
Content1 1. What is a PendingIntent?2 2. Uses of PendingIntent:3 3. Creating an Android Notification:4 4. Methods of NotificationCompat.Builder:5 5. Style and Actions for Notifications:6 6. Dismissing Notifications:7 Conclusion Vijona7…
Effective Navigation in Android Apps: Insights into Implementing a Navigation Drawer
Content1 Overview of Android Navigation Drawer2 Project Structure3 Implementation of the Navigation Drawer4 Conclusion Vijona7 Feb at 8:42 Effective Navigation in Android Apps: Insights into Implementing a Navigation Drawer Explore…
Android MVVM: Dynamically Updating UI with LiveData and Data Binding
Content1 Step 1: Setting Up the Google Maps API2 Step 2: Setting Up the Android Project3 Step 3: Implementing Route Drawing4 Step 4: Code for Route Drawing5 Step 5: Configuring…
Step-by-Step Guide: Creating an Audio Player for Android using MediaPlayer and SeekBar
Content1 Android MediaPlayer2 Project Structure3 Conclusion4 Closing Words Vijona7 Feb at 8:41 Step-by-Step Guide: Creating an Audio Player for Android using MediaPlayer and SeekBar Explore in our latest blog post…
Mastering Material Design Text Fields in Android Apps
Content1 Material TextFields and TextInputLayout2 Standard and Dense Text Fields3 Outlined Text Fields4 End Icon Modes5 Shaped Text Fields6 Conclusion Vijona7 Feb at 8:41 Mastering Material Design Text Fields in…