Python ValueError Exception Handling Examples
What is Python ValueError?
Python ValueError is raised when a function receives an argument of the correct type but an inappropriate value. Also, the situation should not be described by a more precise exception such as IndexError.
ValueError Example
You will get ValueError with mathematical operations, such as square root of a negative number.
>>> import math
>>> math.sqrt(-10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: math domain error
Python ValueError Exception Handling
Here is a simple example to handle ValueError exception using try-except block.
import math
x = int(input('Please enter a positive number:\n'))
print(f'Square Root of {x} is {math.sqrt(x)}')
except ValueError as ve:
print(f'You entered {x}, which is not a positive number.')
Here is the output of the program with different types of input.
Please enter a positive number:
Square Root of 16 is 4.0
Please enter a positive number:
You entered -10, which is not a positive number.
Please enter a positive number:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/pankaj/Documents/PycharmProjects/hello-world/journaldev/errors/", line 11, in <module>
x = int(input('Please enter a positive number:\n'))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'abc'
Our program can raise ValueError in int() and math.sqrt() functions. So, we can create a nested try-except block to handle both of them. Here is the updated snippet to take care of all the ValueError scenarios.
import math
x = int(input('Please enter a positive number:\n'))
print(f'Square Root of {x} is {math.sqrt(x)}')
except ValueError as ve:
print(f'You entered {x}, which is not a positive number.')
except ValueError as ve:
print('You are supposed to enter positive number.')
Raising ValueError in a function
Here is a simple example where we are raising ValueError for input argument of correct type but inappropriate value.
import math
def num_stats(x):
if x is not int:
raise TypeError('Work with Numbers Only')
if x < 0:
raise ValueError('Work with Positive Numbers Only')
print(f'{x} square is {x * x}')
print(f'{x} square root is {math.sqrt(x)}')