How To Convert Data Types in Ruby
Introduction to Convert Data Types
While each program you create will contain multiple data types, it is important to keep in mind that you will generally be performing operations within the same data type. That is, you’ll be performing mathematics on numbers, or joining strings together.
Sometimes data comes from external sources, such as the keyboard, an API response, or a database, and you’ll need to convert it in order to work with it. Ruby provides several methods for converting values from one data type to another. In this tutorial, you’ll convert strings to numbers, objects to strings, strings to arrays, and convert between strings and symbols.
Converting Strings to Numbers
Ruby provides the to_i
and to_f
methods to Convert Data Types, for example strings to numbers. to_i
converts a string to an integer, and to_f
converts a string to a float.
"5".to_i # 5
"55.5".to_i # 55
"55.5".to_f # 55.5
To demonstrate this, create a small program that prompts for two numbers and displays the sum. Create a new Ruby program called adder.rb
with the following code:
print "What is the first number? "
first_number = gets.chop
print "What is the second number? "
second_number = gets.chop
sum = first_number + second_number
print sum
When you run the program, you’ll get what may feel like an unexpected answer:
ruby adder.rb
What is the first number? 5
What is the second number? 5
This program says that the sum of 5 and 5 is 55. You know that’s not right, but the computer isn’t technically wrong. The program prompted for two numbers, but you typed them in on the keyboard. You didn’t send the number 5; you sent the character “5”. In other words, your program saw both of your inputs as strings, and when you add the strings “5” and “5” together, you get a new string, “55”.
To avoid this, convert both strings to numbers. Modify your program so that it converts both numbers to floats by using the to_f
print "What is the first number? "
first_number = gets.chop
print "What is the second number? "
second_number = gets.chop
# convert strings to numbers
first_number = first_number.to_f
second_number = second_number.to_f
sum = first_number + second_number
print sum
Run the program again:
ruby adder.rb
What is the first number? 5
What is the second number? 5
When you enter 5 and 5 again, you’ll get 10.0.
Special Behavior of to_i
and to_f
The to_i
and to_f
methods have some interesting behaviors when the strings aren’t numeric. For example:
In this example, converting the string “123-abc” to an integer results in the integer 123. The to_i
method stops once it reaches the first non-numeric character.
Convert Data Types to Strings
Ruby provides the to_s
method to convert any other type to a string:
25.to_s # "25"
(25.5).to_s # "25.5"
["Sammy", "Shark"].to_s # "[\"Sammy\", \"Shark\"]"
You’ll often convert data to strings when creating program output.
Convert Data Types to Arrays
If you have a string, you can convert it to an array using the split
"one two three".split
["one", "two", "three"]
Converting Between Strings and Symbols
To Convert Data Types for example a symbol to a string, use the to_s
To convert a string to a symbol, use the to_sym
Conclusion for Convert Data Types
This tutorial demonstrated how to convert several of the important native data types to other data types using built-in methods. You can now convert numbers to strings, strings to arrays, and convert between symbols and strings.