Creative Map Design: Tips and Tricks with the Android Google Maps API

Integrating Google Maps into Android applications opens up a variety of possibilities to incorporate interactive and appealing maps into your app. In this tutorial, we will discuss and implement some interesting features of the Android Google Maps API. However, before we dive into the discussion, make sure you have already set up the Android Google Maps, as this is a prerequisite.

Overview of Android Google Maps API

We’ll implement some fascinating features of the Android Google Maps API, including map markers, map types, camera animations, and more. Let’s add the MapFragment to the layout content_main.xml, as we did in the previous tutorial. This will connect the MapFragment with our MainActivity. To obtain the GoogleMap object in our MainActivity class, we need to implement the OnMapReadyCallback interface and override the onMapReady method.

Setting Map Type in Google Maps

With the Google Map object, we can also change the map type. There are four different types of maps, each providing a different view of the map. These types are Normal, Hybrid, Satellite, and Terrain. We can use them as follows:


Google Map Zoom and Rotation

We can enable/disable map zooming and rotation with the following lines of code:


Other Customization Methods

Some other customization methods available in the GoogleMap class are:

  • addCircle(CircleOptions options): Adds a circle to the map
  • addPolygon(PolygonOptions options): Adds a polygon to the map
  • addTileOverlay(TileOverlayOptions options): Adds a tile overlay to the map
  • animateCamera(CameraUpdate update): Moves the map according to the update with an animation
  • clear(): Removes everything from the map
  • getMyLocation(): Returns the currently displayed user location
  • moveCamera(CameraUpdate update): Repositions the camera according to the instructions defined in the update
  • setTrafficEnabled(boolean enabled): Turns the traffic overlay on or off
  • snapshot(GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback): Takes a snapshot of the map
  • stopAnimation(): Stops the camera animation if one is running

Adding Markers on the Google Map

googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
    .position(new LatLng(37.4233438,-122.0728817))

Using snippet() displays more data above the marker when tapped. Animating or moving the camera to a specific point is done with the following code snippet:

googleMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(new LatLng(37.4233438,-122.0728817),16));

In the above code, 16 is the zoom level. The map zooms in and centers on the defined LatLng object.

Project Structure of the Android Google Maps Example

The structure of the sample project includes and the layout content_main.xml, which contains the MapFragment. The complete implementation of the example can be found in the attached code.


Integrating Google Maps into your Android application can significantly enhance the user experience and provide a variety of features and customization options. From map markers to selecting different map types, there are numerous ways to extend the map functionality and tailor it to your app’s requirements. The example project presented here provides a solid foundation to start developing Google Maps-enabled applications.

With this introduction to the Android Google Maps API, you can now create your own map applications and explore the variety of features it offers. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!

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