Route Planning on Android: A Guide with Google Maps

Learn how to create a custom route drawing on Android using the Google Maps Directions API. Our tutorial will walk you through the steps, from setting up the API to implementing it in your own application. Discover how to draw routes between different points on the map and experience the versatility of Google Maps in your Android projects.

Step 1: Setting Up the Google Maps API

First, we need to create a new Google Maps API key. This key is required to use the Google Maps Directions API in our application. The steps to create an API key are detailed in the API console.

Step 2: Setting Up the Android Project

We create a new Android Studio project and select the “Google Maps Activity” template. Then, we add the previously created API key to the google_maps_api.xml file, located in the debug->res->values folder.

Step 3: Implementing Route Drawing

Route drawing is done using the DirectionsJSONParser class, which analyzes the received location data and returns the route. The decodePoly() method is called to extract the polyline data, which will later be drawn on the map.

Step 4: Code for Route Drawing

The main code for route drawing is implemented in the A MapClickListener is used to place a marker at the clicked location and store that location in an ArrayList. Once two markers are set (start and end points), the getDirectionsUrl() method is called to create the URL for the Google Directions API and retrieve the route.

Step 5: Configuring the Mode of Transportation

In this example, the mode of transportation is set to driving. However, various transport modes are available, including driving, walking, cycling, and public transit.


Creating an Android application for route drawing with Google Maps is relatively easy with the Directions API. By implementing a MapClickListener, users can select points on the map between which a route will be calculated and displayed.


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