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Android RecyclerView: Enhancing User Experience with Drag-and-Drop Features

Explore in our blog post how you can improve user interaction in your Android application using drag-and-drop functionality. We guide you step by step on implementing this feature in a RecyclerView to create an intuitive user experience. Optimize your application and increase user satisfaction with our practical tips and tricks!

RecyclerView Drag and Drop

Drag-and-drop functionality can be added to a RecyclerView using the ItemTouchHelper utility class. Here are the important methods in the ItemTouchHelper.Callback interface that need to be implemented:

  • isLongPressDragEnabled: Return `true` to enable long press on RecyclerView rows for drag and drop.
  • isItemViewSwipeEnabled: Used to enable or disable swipes. In this tutorial, we disable this.
  • getMovementFlags: Pass flags for the directions of drag and swipe. Since swipe is disabled, we pass 0 for it.
  • onMove: Set the code for drag and drop here.
  • onSwipe: Implement the code for swiping here. We keep this empty in the current tutorial.
  • onSelectedChanged: Triggered based on the current state of the RecyclerView and whether it’s pressed or swiped. Here we can customize the RecyclerView row, for example, changing the background color.
  • clearView: Triggered when user interaction stops with the RecyclerView row.

Let’s start with building our Android application with drag-and-drop functionality in the RecyclerView.


The code for the activity_main.xml layout, which contains only a RecyclerView, is as follows:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

                app:layoutManager="" />

The code for the is as follows:

        package com.journaldev.androidrecyclerviewdraganddrop;

        import android.os.Bundle;

        import java.util.ArrayList;

        public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

            RecyclerView recyclerView;
            RecyclerViewAdapter mAdapter;
            ArrayList stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>();

            protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

                recyclerView = findViewById(;


            private void populateRecyclerView() {
                stringArrayList.add("Item 1");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 2");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 3");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 4");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 5");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 6");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 7");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 8");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 9");
                stringArrayList.add("Item 10");

                mAdapter = new RecyclerViewAdapter(stringArrayList);

                ItemTouchHelper.Callback callback = new ItemMoveCallback(mAdapter);
                ItemTouchHelper touchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(callback);



The tutorial guides you through the process of implementing drag-and-drop in a RecyclerView. It covers setting up the layout, implementing the code, and demonstrates the application’s outcome.


Implementing drag-and-drop in a RecyclerView can be a useful feature for user interactions in Android applications. It opens up possibilities for a more user-friendly experience. Further customizations and features can be added as per the application’s requirements.

Enjoy developing your Android application with drag-and-drop in RecyclerView!

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Enhance your Android app's user experience with advanced drag-and-drop features in RecyclerView. Discover the full potential of your application by leveraging our cloud services to streamline development and scale your projects effortlessly. Sign up for a free trial now and take your app to the next level!

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