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Grenzenlose Möglichkeiten mit Centron's Managed Server

Privacy Shield toppled. What now?

Privacy Shield toppled. What now? The news that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) declared the Privacy Shield Agreement invalid spread like wildfire in the media. But then there was…
Grenzenlose Möglichkeiten mit Centron's Managed Server

BfV warns of cyber attacks by Ke3chang

BfV warns of cyber attacks by Ke3chang In its latest issue of Cyber-Brief, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution warns of cyber attacks by the cyber espionage…
Centron Managed Firewall: Top Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmensnetzwerk

centron is a prequalified company

IHK Munich includes centron in the list of prequalified companies On February 14, 2020, the IHK issued the decision that centron was now included in the “Official Directory of Prequalified…
Centron Managed Firewall: Top Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmensnetzwerk

centron style team building

Teambuilding in centron style Good teamwork takes a lot of practice and coordination to get the best results. Of course, a portion of fun should not be missing, which is…