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Privacy Policy where are you?

Privacy Agreement where are you? Privacy Policy – Even at the end of 2021, there is still no reliable legal basis for the transfer of data to non-EU countries, especially…
Maximaler Schutz, maximale Performance: Datensicherheit bei Centron

Save resources with digital processes

Save resources with digital processes A current study by the German Economic Institute (IW) shows that many companies simply ignore potential savings through digitization. We at centron observe this phenomenon…
Hoch skalierbares und kostengünstiges Image Hosting für Ihre Projekte. centron S3 Object; Storage Server für effiziente und sichere Bildspeicherung.

Linux: Hosting Backup with S3 and Co.

Linux: Hosting Backup with S3 and Co. Who doesn’t know it: once you’re not paying attention, a wrong tick or an imprecise click and the lovingly designed website is gone.…